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06.10.2020 (Tuesday)

Courant algebroids, Poisson-Lie T-duality and supergravity (of type II)

Regular Seminar Fridrich Valach (Imperial College London)

13:30 IC
room zoom

Description: Courant algebroids provide a natural framework for working with the low energy limits of string theory. In particular, they are well suited for the study of Poisson-Lie T-duality, which is a generalization of the usual T-duality. We will discuss how to see bosonic fields of type II supergravity as structures on Courant algebroids (generalized metrics, spinors and divergence operators). We will then construct appropriate curvature tensors and use them to prove the compatibility of Poisson-Lie T-duality and the equations of motion of supergravity. The framework also allows us to use algebraic methods to search for new (non-isometric) string backgrounds. This is a joint work with Pavol Å evera. [please email for zoom-link]